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Search results

  1. Bippity

    What's new in the update?

    Share/talk about things that you found in the new update :) http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads%2Fpc-1-3-3-changelog.48916%2F
  2. Bippity

    New Server Currency name?

    "Server Coins" sounds a bit too plain. Let's come up with a new name, yeah? I've been thinking of... the BIPCOIN. GET IT?! CUZ IT'S LIKE BITCOIN. HAHAHA. HA...ha. :oops:
  3. Bippity

    -Back to School Giveaway- $20 Gift Card & BioShock Triple Pack Bundle

    School's about to start again and I know how most of you feel about that... So we wanted to squeeze in a little bit of fun before that happens :) This month, we're changing it a little bit. Instead of giving away a game, we're giving away a $20 Steam Gift Card and letting you decide what to...
  4. Bippity

    What's the best loadout?

    Let's say that you were able to get any item that you wanted. What items combined do you think will be the most OP loadout possible? Some categories: Highest Physical damage Highest Magic Damage Highest Range Damage Highest DPS (Damage per second) etc. I'm always running around with a...
  5. Bippity

    Epic Freedom Month Giveaway! (4 Awesome Games)

    July 4th was the day America became free from Britain, and this month we've released the beta survival server to the public. To celebrate these moments of freedom, we'll giving away 4 awesome games! Also, shoutout to all the members who donated to support our servers/community. We reached our...
  6. Bippity

    Happy 4th of July - Survival Server Now Open to Public Testing!

    Yup, it's been decided that the map/server is stable enough to be released to the public :) Since we're still in the early stages of development, you will notice that a good amount of features are missing/incomplete. The server will be under constant development and whenever a feature is...
  7. Bippity

    Skyrim: Special Edition & The Elder Scrolls 6

    Dunno if anyone's a Skyrim/Elder Scrolls fan here, but I've been playing Skyrim for the past year (Sadly still a noob) and felt like sharing this announcement. Skyrim: Special Edition is basically a remake of the game, with better graphics, DLCs and (this is the cool part) Mod support for...
  8. Bippity

    -Donator Giveaway- Rocket League

    Summer's here! I hope everyone's having a great time! :D To make your summer even better, why not play a game of Soccer...with ROCKET-PROPELLED CARS? :cool: This month, we'll be giving away a copy of Rocket League! To enter this giveaway, you must be a donator. The giveaway ends on July 1st...
  9. Bippity

    Your user account has been deleted!

    Sorry about that, I guess I owe you all an explanation :eek: I decided to switch our database type from SQLite to MySQL, basically switching the server database from a local file to an online database server. Unfortunately, I was unable to successfully export the existing database over to MySQL...
  10. Bippity

    Closed Hunger or Quest System?

    So far the only things the economy (Server Coins) has been used for are the ServerShop, trading, and a few paid commands (/heal, /rollitem, etc). While these features are great, I feel like there could be a few more unique features that make use of this awesome economy system (SEconomy developed...
  11. Bippity

    It's back! -Steam Giveaway- Abyss Odyssey

    So it's been awhile since we had a giveaway... The reason why there hasn't been any monthly giveaways for awhile was because for all of the giveaways that we had, each giveaway only had 2-4 entrants (0 for donator giveaways). Because of this turnout, I felt like it wasn't worth purchasing these...
  12. Bippity

    Tutorial Validating your User/Player

    To prevent griefers and make the server more secure, we decided to add an extra step in order to build/progress in the server. This is a quick guide to how you can validate yourself on the server: *If you've already validated before/made posts on the forums skip to step 4. Register an account...
  13. Bippity

    Terraria 1.3.1 is coming! What's Going to Happen?!

    Read this if you need help validating your account If you haven't already heard, Terraria is celebrating its 5th birthday (which is tomorrow) by updating to 1.3.1 :eek: You can read more about it at Terraria's Official Forums. As for our servers, because it's an update to Terraria, TShock will...
  14. Bippity


    I heard you guys liked memes...so I made a thread where you can post memes rescued from the Wild-Wide-Web into this safe haven, the Memetopia.
  15. Bippity

    The Number Game

    This is an old game that I remember playing in a community which turned out to be fun when there's nothing else to do. The objective is to reach the highest number by posting only pictures of the number, not the word. Whoever posts next has to post the next number. So I'll start out... :)
  16. Bippity

    *Spoiler Alert*

    Way to spoil the game for me @CubeGameMaster :(
  17. Bippity

    Server Information

    Check out @Juicenaut livestream Server ip: juiceroar.bippityserver.com Port: 7779
  18. Bippity

    1000 likes! -New Year's Epic Giveaway- Tomb Raider & The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition

    Happy New Year's everyone! (Totally not late) As if that's not exciting enough, we have reached over 1,000 likes and now rank as one of the Top 10 Terraria Servers on TServerWeb! :D @White 's special version of wishing you a Happy New Year...(Click if you dare) ;) To celebrate, we'll be...
  19. Bippity

    Highscores / Best Players

    The following link will take you to the page of the top players in the Killing Floor server. >>View Highscores / Best Players <<
  20. Bippity

    Revival of our Original Survival Server *Apply for Beta Access!

    Hiya everyone! You probably noticed that the server hasn't received alot of attention recently (the world is at least 3 months old, there's a lack of building space, everything is already practically explored) and I'd like to apologize for the neglect; I personally have been busy lately with...