Yeah, very rural area of Florida. Considered dial up since it has better response times, but we had that like 2 years ago and I convinced mom to switch to anything but. The satellite speeds are great, when the 5gb monthly cap isn't reached (then it slows to 20kb/s), but even ping through command line shows any site/service with a 800-2000ms latency. Yes has to kick me a lot, and I stare at the "Requesting Game Tiles" for 3-4 minutes waiting for the serverside to time me out. Think I've got a stable connection now, by adjusting the MTU from 1500 to like, 1300.
But yeah, the question was really in regards to crafting stations, mannequins, and anything else someone might wander off with if its not nailed down with code.
EDIT: Its definately beyond 2, I placed several statues and chests (maybe 15-20, didnt count) before the message started popping up when i remove and re-place objects. Theres no dependable order of protection, other than the order they were placed, and I honestly can't remember what is and isn't protected now, so ive got my tomb with telepads for access. Seems a safe enough method so far.