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Search results

  1. C

    Hello for the third time (and hopefully the last time I must re-introduce myself!)

    Hello! I'm not exactly new here, but I've been offline for quite a while. It's been 3 years since I gave a proper introduction, and, seeing as I've been inactive for a long time, I figured it'd be good to make a new introduction. A fresh start. I'm Cube. I used to go by CubeGameMaster, but that...
  2. C

    I guess I must introduce myself again.

    Hello. I'm registered as CubeLiek on the temp server. kthxbai
  3. C

    Stuff About My Future Book

    So, I'm trying to write a book. I've got seven first names, and I need some last names. Sisters Penna and Kayle: Jesse(female): Elise(female): Nimbus(male): Eugene(male): Shay(male): I can provide the four-letter Myers-Briggs personality type if that helps at all ;) I will also add more stuff to...
  4. C

    Hello, you can just call me Cube

    My IGN is CubeGameMaster. You might see me on the server as CubeLiek, Cube, or CubeGameMaster. This is how I got here. I am a former moderator and builder on a different server. I know honesty, fairness, discipline, and all the skills needed to be a functioning moderator. Sadly, the server...