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Search results

  1. Havel

    The survival world

    Now, the moon lord has been defeated so what is next?
  2. Havel

    Since the world finally went SSC survival

    I've been thinking, the dungeon has 2 chests that auto refill a brown and a gold on, but why don't the biome chests auto refill? (Possibly auto lock as well) I think everyone should have the same chance as the next person to get the biome specific weapons
  3. Havel

    Clentaminator projectile Limit

    When I logged on today to the bipserver, I went to the right side of the map to clean out the crimson, but as soon as I fired 2 clentaminator shots I got frozen in place
  4. Havel

    Welcome, now figure it out

    0100100001100101011011000110110001101111 01110111011001010110110001100011011011110110110101100101 01110100011010001100101 011100110110010101110010011101100110010101110010
  5. Havel

    Resolved AqueosDuckling42 - Hacking, and warned previously

    Player's Name: AqueosDuckling42 Reason for report: Hacking, and warned previously Proof/Evidence of report: Some screenshots Additional Information: He has multiple buffs on with a terraria patcher and even admitted to it
  6. Havel

    Funny video

  7. Havel

    Closed Juni - Greifing via placing coins

    Player's Name: Juni Reason for report: Greifing via placing coins Proof/Evidence of report: I got a few screenshots Additional Information: I also think she was behind placing these coins that fell into spawn which means she was editing it
  8. Havel

    Closed tor - Excessive greifing, threatening to greif, and general toxicity to the community

    Player's Name: tor Reason for report: Excessive greifing, threatening to greif, and general toxicity to the community Proof/Evidence of report: I only got a few screenshots Additional Information: He was threatening to greif the community of snow
  9. Havel

    The Community of Snow

    My inspiration was from not liking the crimson
  10. Havel

    Closed kadnec, FGIK, and klenglon - Greifing

    Player's Name: kadnec, FGIK, and klenglon Reason for report: Greifing Proof/Evidence of report: I have tile history screenshots Additional Information: According to Nogi each of these players have been greifing and making a daily habit out of it
  11. Havel

    Resolved blueplayer - Harassment

    Player's Name: blueplayer Reason for report: Harassment Proof/Evidence of report: I have some screenshots Additional Information: I have politely asked him to leave a few times, and each of those times he said no
  12. Havel

    Resolved Anto - Harassment and verbal abuse

    Player's Name: Anto Reason for report: Harassment and verbal abuse Proof/Evidence of report: Got a bunch of screenshots Additional Information: The player Anto would continue to spit out swear word and I believe he was also cursing me in spanish
  13. Havel

    Resolved nigahiga - Over 100 minioons

    Player's Name: nigahiga Reason for report: Over 100 minioons Proof/Evidence of report: Hard evidence right here Additional Information: He might be hacking with ahoj123, also when I teleported to Nigahiga he had a bunch of sharnados, also his name is offensive
  14. Havel

    Resolved ahoj123 - Over 100 minions

    Player's Name: ahoj123 Reason for report: Over 100 minions Proof/Evidence of report: Hard evidence right here Additional Information: He had so many sharknados
  15. Havel

    Resolved Prometheus - Griefing

    Player's Name: Prometheus Reason for report: Griefing Proof/Evidence of report: I have more screenshots Additional Information: Me and Beave were building when a player by the name of Prometheus comes by with the Drill and and starts ruining our build he also destroyed the whole thing, and it...
  16. Havel

    Resolved Tether - Modded client

    Player's Name: Tether Reason for report: Modded client Proof/Evidence of report: His terrarian is going crazy I also have a video Additional Information: His terrarian would go all over the screen at high speeds that shouldn't be possible in this game
  17. Havel

    Closed TearOfGrace's Helper Application

    By submitting this application, I have read and understood all the requirements. The information I have given in this application is true and I understand that any fabricated information will disqualify my application. Real Name: Marcos Peralta Character Name: Grace Age: 13 Location: United...
  18. Havel

    I think the server might be down

    As of right now the server is in need of fixing due to the fact that it is down and will only display Connecting to (IP here)
  19. Havel


    Why is there a password on the Bippity server?
  20. Havel

    I am having trouble

    Currently it is 2:34 PM in California where I live as I speak and I've been having issues trying to get on the server. It all started at 6:54 AM my time when I logged off and tried to log back on because I thought I was lagging, but instead of joining back to the server it had me stuck at "Found...