Real Name: Destiny Chadwick
Character Name: LonelyTaco69
Age: 17, almost 18 10/20/98
Location: United States
Time played on the server: I joined the server about a week ago and have gotten over 100 hours on steam, 90% of that is from the temp/beta servers
Server Rank: Active Member Builder
Why you should be a Helper:
^A few players, as well as a Moderator, have actually said that I should be admin.
I think that I should be a staff member because I have years of experience, I know most of the commands though I admit I should Not be allowed to use world edit. I currently have access to the beta survival world due to being a builder, so when that world becomes public I already know where everything is at. I help many players become registered with easy step my step instructions on exactly what to do. I defend players when people come on being bullies, and I warn people who spam to stop. I often go through many places of the map making sure nothing has been griefed in any way. Though I do get angry if triggered too far, I try my hardest to be good. I understand that not every person is in their best mind, myself included. Some have mental/emotional problems and I try my best to cooperate with the obvious ones but they still have to follow the rules. I also understand that not every child comes from a good home irl, playing games is their escape from that even if theyre only online for a short amount of time. When you dont have a safe place irl, you need one online, I would like to help make the server that haven for those players. For some of us, it isnt just a game..
Qualifications and Experience:
I have been a staff member on many Minecraft and Terraria servers for the past few years. I understand that they are two different games but they are similar in many ways. On both platforms I have been between Helper-Owner, on one server I actually went from new player to Admin in less than a week. I take being staff as it is an unpaid job, very seriously. Friends and foe will all get the same treatment. I know many of the commands and it doesnt take me long to learn the others, I also be sure to keep social spy/whisper spy on in case people are harassing in message. (I dont agree that its invasion of privacy) I usually dont want to ban people and when I do its temp ban depending on the offense. Lastly, I have a TON of free time to be able to sit online or in IRC and make sure people are acting right.
Character Name: LonelyTaco69
Age: 17, almost 18 10/20/98
Location: United States
Time played on the server: I joined the server about a week ago and have gotten over 100 hours on steam, 90% of that is from the temp/beta servers
Server Rank: Active Member Builder
Why you should be a Helper:
^A few players, as well as a Moderator, have actually said that I should be admin.
Qualifications and Experience:
I have been a staff member on many Minecraft and Terraria servers for the past few years. I understand that they are two different games but they are similar in many ways. On both platforms I have been between Helper-Owner, on one server I actually went from new player to Admin in less than a week. I take being staff as it is an unpaid job, very seriously. Friends and foe will all get the same treatment. I know many of the commands and it doesnt take me long to learn the others, I also be sure to keep social spy/whisper spy on in case people are harassing in message. (I dont agree that its invasion of privacy) I usually dont want to ban people and when I do its temp ban depending on the offense. Lastly, I have a TON of free time to be able to sit online or in IRC and make sure people are acting right.