• Hey there Guest,
    Welcome, and thanks for visiting our community! :)
    Use our forums to connect with other users, talk about your adventures in Terraria, post questions and answers, talk about things you'd like to see in the server/community, etc.

Is veri bestest introductedion.

Cyao Teh Derpy Guy

Active Member
Who are you? Refer to my username plox.
What brings you here to Bippity's Server? i dunno
What are you hoping to get from this community? Free itens
What's your character name? IAmPeasant
How long have you been playing Terraria? I forgout
What's your favorite thing to do? Procrastination
Have you been to any of our events? i dunno which evunt u talk bout
What other games do you enjoy playing? Minecraft(i play cracked), Ballistic Overkill.
Do you have a cool story to tell? I pooped my pants now my butt hurts

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