• Hey there Guest,
    Welcome, and thanks for visiting our community! :)
    Use our forums to connect with other users, talk about your adventures in Terraria, post questions and answers, talk about things you'd like to see in the server/community, etc.

Hey What's up?


I'm GamemanX748, a pretty decent all around Gamer.
I like the server so far, But i'm not much for forum posts or IRC chats.
Not sure what else to put so i think i'll end it here.


Professional Crastinator
Staff member
Hi Gamemanx748, welcome to the community and I'm glad to hear that!
If you plan to be an active member in our servers, the forums is a good place to stay connected and socialize with others :)
As for the IRC/Server-Chat, that's if you're interested in chatting with players inside the server without being in-game or when you're away from the computer.

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