• Hey there Guest,
    Welcome, and thanks for visiting our community! :)
    Use our forums to connect with other users, talk about your adventures in Terraria, post questions and answers, talk about things you'd like to see in the server/community, etc.

Finally trying this server


New Member
  • Who are you?
  • What brings you here to Bippity's Server?
    Well, truth be told I just wanted to play around on a new Terraria server, as the only 3 that are popular at this given time, and pretty much the past few years of Terraria in general, just don't have enough for me. I need something refreshing, or new.
  • What are you hoping to get from this community?
    Well, I just wanted to login and play, but as that's simply not an option. I suppose I'm hoping for a more mature community. Since I'm forced to create and introduction before I can even play, I'm assuming this "could" ward off younger or immature players.
  • What's your character name?
  • How long have you been playing Terraria?
    Years, about 3,000 hours on record.
  • What's your favorite thing to do?
    Sleep probably? Or, dream, if you're looking for a more artistic answer.
  • Have you been to any of our events?
  • What other games do you enjoy playing?
    Enjoy, or play? I "enjoy" very few games, but I still play a lot of them. I'll list games I play for simplicity: League of Legends, Runescape, World of Warcraft, Tera Online, Undertale, Elsword, Final Fantasy....eh I'll just leave it at that, no one cares that much and I don't feel like typing for another 3 hours. :3
  • Do you have any examples of work that you have done using your amazing skills?
    I can binge watch any anime/cartoon/show I'm interested in a single day. I'll manipulate time and space to make it happen, trust me.
  • Do you have a cool story to tell?
    Nope, sorry.


Professional Crastinator
Staff member
Holy crap 3000 hours ._.
I like to sleep too! I like you. Please stay. I'm not scary, I'm just hairy! (Actually I might be drunk) :D

EDIT (slightly less crazy): The introduction/validation process is mainly to prevent hackers and griefers, which in turn results in a better quality of service to players who would actually like to enjoy their time here :)
So welcome, hope you'll stay in this community for awhile, and don't forget to talk to the rest of the community on the Discord server!

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