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A "Pesky" Introduction.


New Member
Hi, My name is Pesky. I come to bippitys server to come play with other players, And i enjoy playing with other players, Raiding bases. And my first thought about this community was about a nice lovly community where people would play and help each other. My charancter name would be PeskyOrpahn953. (it was originaly supposed to be PeskyOrphan953) and i have been playing terraria console for... 2 years, and on computer, this is my first year! my favorate thing to do on terraria is fly around, and beat bosses. Sadly, i have never been to any server events yet. I enjoy playing games like Minecraft and Happy wars. Although, i have picked up a few tricks along the way. i dont have any tips to tell anyone. Besides "dont fall into lava".
Thank you!

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