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  1. L

    About New Players

    Thank you for replying and caring about this post. I must say that you are right about the staff helping. Back in september 2016,when i first joined i lilterally felt like i was going throught a factory,i asked for a bit of help with validating,and i must say,even members helped me,and after...
  2. L

    About New Players

    Credit to all the staff members for being awesome and making me stay in this awesome community!
  3. L

    About New Players

    So, I've been surfing through this server and all of the time I see people joining in confused, and then logging off and never coming back. I think the validating system should be a bit simpler which will result with a lot more players and more players lead to a popular server and a good...
  4. L


  5. L

    Hi guys!
