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Search results

  1. NogiChan

    LonelyTaco69 (NogiChan)'s Staff Application

    I know for certain that 1 of those No votes is klenglon the guy who griefed me and he even said hes just mad because he lost his rank
  2. NogiChan

    LonelyTaco69 (NogiChan)'s Staff Application

    Real Name: Destiny Chadwick Character Name: LonelyTaco69 Age: 17, almost 18 10/20/98 Location: United States Time played on the server: I joined the server about a week ago and have gotten over 100 hours on steam, 90% of that is from the temp/beta servers Server Rank: Active Member...
  3. NogiChan

    Open Beta Server Player Registrations

    I've noticed that in the Temporary Server quite a few new players have problems becoming registered. I also had problems when I had first joined. Some players join when nobody is on, or nobody knows how to do it and then quit due to not being able to build, also some are in areas that don't...
  4. NogiChan

    Revival of our Original Survival Server *Apply for Beta Access!

    Please remove this post since people cant even submit their applications. It just wasted my time for nothing.
  5. NogiChan


    I want to build