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Search results

  1. XISenpaiIX


    There isnt enough staff on the server i mean when the server crashes and there are only 3 staff and they are all offline what do we do we have to wait for years .-. years and years and years .-. its annoying .-. and plus griefers! there are too many we need staff to ban them but there isnt...
  2. XISenpaiIX

    bring back the previous map

    bring back the previous map and remove the permission for registers to spawn bosses and invasions which was a bad idea cause some idiot spawn the moon and its spawn killing us and the pirate army also i keep getting freezed every 5 seconds and the previous map was much much much much more calmer
  3. XISenpaiIX

    The Vanilla Server

    i was thinking of keeping the server but making it tshock when it comes out for people who just want to free build and fight monsters and also there should be a ranking system for special abilities