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Search results

  1. P

    The Forgotten Steampunk Mini- City

    So I've posted a building of an old mineshaft before and I tought I might do something more steampunk- ish with also more creativity. I really hope you like that one Bip :). http://prntscr.com/cv540t
  2. P

    A Little Old Mineshaft

    I've been in this server since a week ago and decided to build something good looking with actuated blocks (doing it for first time) just to support the server. I'm suggesting this build for including it in the next update of the map so let me know about your opinion on it because I spent so...
  3. P

    Hello. My name is PSWads

    Hi. My name is PSWads and I enjoy playing Terraria in Survival Servers and also other fun games. I hope I'll enjoy playing on this one.