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Search results

  1. majjinbuuhoo


    Sweet :D Arigatou gozaimasu, Bippity-san!
  2. majjinbuuhoo


    Does anyone still use it on this server? I might be borrowing someone's account so I doubt I could have many people join it if he even says it's cool to get people outside of my classroom on it.. but I was just curious :p
  3. majjinbuuhoo

    Some good video game remixers(Youtube!)

    Random I know, but thought I'd throw these three guys out there in case anyone ends up enjoying them as much as I have! FamilyJules7x, LittleVMills, and RichaadEB are amazing at what they do. FamilyJules was the first one I discovered because of his Pokemon remixes he does, the only instrument I...
  4. majjinbuuhoo

    The black wind.. it howls.

    The black wind.. it howls.
  5. majjinbuuhoo

    This guy!!

    Also, my in game name is Magus! I love gaming(derp), music, and the ladies! ;D I'm a veteran of the USMC(ooh-rah!) though don't ask, I didn't kill anyone. Maybe broke a heart or two in Okinawa. </ 3
  6. majjinbuuhoo

    This guy!!

    It's been a while since I played Terraria for PC, I first started on the 360 playing it because I did not have a working computer.. now I'm in college to fix them so the first thing I did was bring my desktop in and swapped spare parts until I figured it was the RAM causing it to fail to boot...