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Search results

  1. TheRealRiku

    Abuse Prevention: Rollitem

    Also, we should punish players who manipulated this for their own advantage
  2. TheRealRiku

    Closed TheRealRiku's Helper Application

    By submitting this application, I have read and understood all the requirements. The information I have given in this application is true and I understand that any fabricated information will disqualify my application. Real Name: Frank R. Character Name: Riku Age: 17 Location: United States...
  3. TheRealRiku

    Abuse Prevention: Rollitem

    Ive seen absolute abuse out of /rollitem, by using fresh characters, and using their gold to buy a roll. We need to fix this. My recommendation is to have players wait 24 hours from their first login to roll for the first time. This will slow, if not halt this form of abuse, and prevent players...
  4. TheRealRiku

    Introducing Riku

    Im Riku. I came on this server cause i was bored, and it looked interesting. I play terraria quite often. If you wanna know more about me, talk to me.
  5. TheRealRiku

    Dank Maymays

    Post em. :^)