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Recent content by Whiplache50

  1. W

    Intructoductiionss O.o

    Hey, thanks for responding :) My personality type came up as an ISTP-T on that website. Also, I'd definitely reccomend Rimworld, if you're up for a challenge.... and utter destruction after general prosper :p Oh, and I created an alt cause I forgot to put WikihowToDrinkPasta on the steam cloud...
  2. W

    Intructoductiionss O.o

    Hi... I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just a [dumb] teen who's been looking for good servers to play on and this one looks pretty cool. I've been playing Terraria for a few years now, and it never ceases to amaze. To be honest, I'm not really looking to get anything extra from the...