The ServerShop lets you sell/buy items through other players. The currency used is a non-hackable server-sided currency called BipCoins.
The information provided is much more detailed than what is shown in-game.
Players will need to use this page to find their own offers.
How do I Use This?
Search for trade offers by entering the Item Name, Seller Name, and/or the TradeID in the search boxes.
Leave a search box blank to search for all elements of that category.
e.g: Leaving Item Name blank will search for all items.
You can create/request trade offers in the Trading subforum with other players.
Trading Subforum
Can't Find What You're Looking for?
Make sure your search parameters are typed correctly
You can search partially typed also.
e.g: "grapp" will look for all elements that contain "grapp"
The item you are trying to find is not being sold by anyone