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Weekly or Monthly Movie Nights?

How often should we have Movie Nights?

  • Total voters


Professional Crastinator
Staff member
In the Discord server, I'm sure you guys have noticed how there's a #tv-room channel where many of us have been posting random videos and what not.
The room was originally meant for Movie Nights where the community gathers to watch a movie/show together.
So I'm thinking we should put that into action.
We'll start out our first Movie night this weekend, Friday the 13th :) The theme will be spooky/horror.

Also, don't forget to vote on whether we should make this either a weekly thing or a monthly thing.
Hope to see you guys there! :D


Well-Known Member
Server Admin
Oh crap, 3 sp00ky 5 m3


Server Helper
I think it should be a monthly thing. Gives people time to decide a date that works for them, so more people can watch.

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